Is it just me or did our society turn into a bunch of whiney, lying, cheating pansies? I would like to know what the public’s reaction would have been if Tiger would have come out to his press conference and said this
“Hello, I am here to address all the questions and concerns because I know the American people want to know. Well, I cheated; I had sex with 9 women because I was horny, on the road and because I can. I don’t need rehab or any help just because I am a man who doesn’t go to the adult emporium, I live the adult emporium. The porn industry makes 9 billion dollars a year, I didn’t give them that much, so apparently everyone staring back me enjoys the industry just as much as I do, I just don’t have to watch it on a TV or buy an inflatable doll when I want to enjoy it. Anyone that has an issue with that can blog about it on some guys website and waste their time bitching when none of it will really matter. Now get off my property….see you at Augusta….go Panthers!
Would people’s jaws drop? Hell yes they would but not because of what he said, simply because Tiger is a true UNI fan! And that it would be the first time a celebrity with money and power, telling the truth, not reading off a prompter. The entire nation knows he is lying, so does he, so does his wife, so does his agent, so why do we even expect him to say anything at all. Even though we all know the truth, it will never come out like that that because his paycheck from nike has 7 zeros on the end of it and honesty to 30 million people he has never met is not worth 15 cars, 5 houses and access to Ron Jeremy’s black book. So we as a society continue to go on and listen, we will all forget and lucky for Tiger it will all go away and do you really think he cares, No, maybe he does about getting his wife back, but if I were her I would just go sleep with 9 other people (probably athletes and celebs) video tape them all and wrap the tape up for his next Christmas gift….ending the show with “Thanks for a great year hun……Suck it tiger”
And as for our society as a whole, when did we become so sentimental and weak when it comes to people, feelings and rights? Why is one of the biggest fears of our troops in Afghanistan the threat of facing the American media if they kill some bearded farmers who have ties to Camel jockeys who threaten our country daily? Our SEAL teams are more afraid of Katie Couric and Anderson Cooper than they are of a flock of sheep herders with automatic weapons and bad teeth? They are more concerned about rules of engagement and facing prison should they treat a terrorist poorly then they are about protecting themselves or our country. Do we expect them to invite the Al Quaeda over for a grill out and pool party at Embassy and hope that a little pool volleyball and smores will relieve the hatred for a country that has HDTV and meat besides goats? Why do we spend billions of dollars trying to house, feed and care for rapists and murders who hack boys in half and have sex with their dead bodies? Yes everyone has rights, but didn’t the boy who had his head cut off and his body decay in some 40 year old mans basement have rights? You know how threatening that man is after he stands in front of a brick wall and has a firing squad write “You suck” in his chest with automatic weapons? How threatening is a rapist if you give them the Loraina Bobit treatment and turn them into a human Ken Doll? Tough to rape a woman when you have a bald hump for a giggle stick isn’t it? How threatening is a murderer if you lop off both hands and feet? They sure can’t hold a knife or gun unless they have teeth like Mr. Ed and one hell of a strong neck!! And what happened to survival of the fittest?
If someone doesn’t serve a positive purpose in society, why are they here? Because we pay for them to have something to eat, a place to sleep and even offer an education…and all we request is that they wear orange pajamas and sleep in a large cage? What happens to the weak, not as fit, not as intelligent animals in the animal kingdom? What happens to a Seal who is a nut job, doesn’t work with the population or goes against what the rest of them do…he gets a lobotomy by a Great white shark as all the rest of them watch. At least he won’t reproduce more “brilliant” seals because his bloodline is currently coming out the exhaust pipe of the white shark. I guess until lions can learn to shoot guns and chimps can drive tanks we are stuck with the continued breeding of idiots, rapists and guys who wear lipstick, dresses, dissect road kill and think that boy scouts are cute. For now, I will settle on everyone just opening one eye…not even waking all the way up.
In the Crosshairs.....

Ring the bells Brynooo...School is in Session
Monday, March 22, 2010
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