In the Crosshairs.....

Ring the bells Brynooo...School is in Session
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Drugs and Bombs...Go Team!!
Let’s start this out with a simple scenario. Say you are a Dr and a representative recruited you to a hospital and you are considered to be an above average Surgeon. Upon arriving, one of the recruiters offers you to take a drug that makes your reaction time better, your hands more steady, increases your focus and makes you an overall superb Dr. It is not illegal to take it and due to your improvement in skills…the hospital raises your salary roughly 4 to 5 times what it currently is over the next 5 years…would you take it? If you said no, you’re lying and can stop reading now. Every single person in the work force across America would take a performance enhancing drug if they made more money while on it…period. So everyone who thinks A-rod, Bonds, Clemens, McGuire, Sosa and all the other players that admitted to taking something cheated…how did they cheat? Did they take something illegal? No…end of discussion. Do steroids and PED’s give you an advantage? Absolutely they do, do they improve hand eye coordination and give you the reaction time of a bear trap? No, if they did then Carl working the register at Kmart would have gotten on them long ago and signed with the Cubs. Get real people, it still takes enormous skill to hit a round ball moving 90+ mph with a round bat and if you don’t think so, go down to your local batting cage, put a quarter in and just try not to take one in the nuts when the machine is set to novice. Personally, I would love to see the league go the other direction…encourage everyone to use steroids if they want to. Oh no, what would happen to the game? Well, hitters would have more power and pitchers would throw harder with more stamina. I don’t know about you, but when I go to a pro game, I like to watch a single to left, a stolen base, a sac bunt and slap hit to right for every run the team scores. I love watching a great game when the score is 2 to 1 and the ball hit the outfield grass twice. I have actually been to that game, it was the Giants Vs. Padres last year in San Francisco. Know how many kayaks were in the cove waiting for a home run ball to splash? 0. That’s because that team’s number one attraction is gone and so went a lot of the fans with him. The best years in recent baseball history have been the home run races....check the ratings if you think I am full of manure. Bottom line…if the players have to walk around with runts in their pants and have a pumpkin head..that’s their business, but they come out and hit a 500 foot home run over waveland ave then I say give them all PED’s and bring on the fun. Otherwise, shut up and let the players play according to the established rules. If Babe Ruth played today, he would bench 300 Lbs and have quads like a Clydesdale. Wake up people.
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