The latest breaking news….BP hopes a gigantic tube will help siphon the oil off of Gulf waters ….funny… Barry bonds told his girlfriend to siphon the HGH out of his blood stream via his “tube”...didn’t work for him either….both are about as realistic. Why are all of these people supposed to be so damn smart…yet when it comes to disaster recovery time they couldn’t save Shaquille O’neal drowning in 3 feet of water? I am sure there are pods of dolphins following the BP crews laughing and saying “Can you believe these dips shits??” Why do smart people get dumb when they are under pressure? I would love to be in the board meetings when these companies first come up with Ideas…..
”Ok…we are going to build and construct a giant rig that will pump oil from thousands of feet below the ocean…. …brilliant idea..…think of all the money we will make! But wait, what happens if the pipe breaks? What if all of our Oil started going into the Ocean…no biggie..oil floats..we can use dip nets to get it and if that doesn’t work.....Remember that giant bobber we called the top hat? We will float that around on the service of the water to appease the public and show them we are doing something, giving us enough time to clean out our bank accounts, form new identities and book first class tickets to Delaware…Wait a minute …Delaware??? Why not Mexico? Or another country….Because dipshit…they patrol the boarders going to Mexico and the international airports…you ever hear someone patrolling or looking for a person of interest in Delaware?.....Didn’t think so”
I believe if we continue at this pace, American’s (Not Humans in General, Just Americans) will fall below Dolphins and Chimps on the hierarchy of intelligent species. You have to admit we do pay nurses, cops and fire fighters about 40 to 50K a year, whom are here to save, care for and protect us…yet we pay Justin Bieber 40K an hour to sport a shitty hair cut and sing songs about going on a walk with your daughter. Anything wrong with this picture? I don’t know about you but I would rather put my money towards A-Rods car payment by buying his jersey and season tickets then pay a fire fighter to put out my flaming house, rescue my kids and save my dog….pretty much a no brainer to me. Has anyone ever calculated out what some of these people get paid? Take Lady Gaga, is she a good performer…yes…a good artist…yes….does she dress like boy George auditioning for a part as an Elf in Lord of the Rings…yes….does she deserve to make $416,666.00 a week? What does she do…she rents costumes from a Halloween boutique on a daily basis, sings songs that use the terms, “Telephone, Ga-Ga, Ooohh LaLa and Roma Roma” Maybe if teachers dressed up in Sequin Jumpsuits…entered the class room with fireworks, low lighting and fog machines and then sang the daily lesson to you using Auto Tune and T pain on the chorus…they may make more per hour??
Did you know Barack Obama took a paycut to become president? He made more selling books about political bullshit and personal opinion selling at Barnes and Noble than he does running the country. How about a news caster…let’s take Matt Lauer…he sits in front of a camera on a chair or couch…reads words off a screen while wearing a suit and tie and enough make up and hair plugs to be in Cirque du Soleil… he drinks coffee and makes millions? Does he really do something that is difficult??? Come on, he reads words off a screen…he is paid for having a decent “listening voice” and can ask “Hard Questions”…even though most dipshits he is questioning are in some kind of trouble or conflict in the public’s it’s not like he’s trying to solve a 32 color rubix cube here..and as for Al Roker…he gets paid millions of dollars to laugh and tell the umemployed and elderly (They are the only ones home at 9:00 AM) how warm it will be today. Yes, I know the media drives the world… I get it..I do not write these comments out of jealousy, I have no desire to live in New York or a in a city where it takes me 2 hours to go get Gas and you need to pay 1600 a month to rent a studio apartment that’s the size of my closet with a shitter, sink and place to hang your keys.
It’s just funny where the priorities in our Society have gone. We would rather pay Kevin Garnett enough money to buy Montana then give a teacher…who teaches your kid to read, do math and properly use the bathroom…enough money to barely buy a used Chevy Impala and a house with more than 3 bedrooms. I know when I have kids I’m going to buy a nice video camera, sit their ass on the couch and make them read Dr. Seuss with passion and fortitude until their eyes bleed…all so they can be prepared to land the anchor job and buy me a Rolls and a cabin at Lake Tahoe. Screw the school system, if you want to get ahead in the country either learn to hit a round ball made of dried cow skin with a long round log, shoot a ball into a metal ring or lift weights, go tanning and possess the brain capacity of a ferret while living on the “Jersey Shore”….otherwise prepare yourself for fine dining at Burger King, a car never newer than 4 years old and retirement in your 80’s. Wake up.
In the Crosshairs.....

Ring the bells Brynooo...School is in Session
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